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A comprehensive, step-by-step program designed to help new coaches establish a powerful online presence and attract clients with ease. This program is specifically tailored for coaches who have the passion and skills to transform lives but need guidance in navigating the digital landscape. We take the guesswork out of building your coaching business by providing you with the tools, strategies, and support you need to go from invisible to impactful.


This program is ideal for new coaches, consultants, authors and solopreneurs who are ready to launch their coaching practice, service or product but feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of creating a website, designing a landing page, and setting up a sales funnel. Whether you’re a life coach, business coach, or wellness coach, Consultant or Author, Vision2Coach program will give you the confidence and clarity to attract and serve your ideal clients.

Program Structure

Foundation Building: Crafting Your Unique Brand

Module 1: Discovering Your Coaching Niche and Audience
Module 2: Creating a Compelling Brand Identity
Module 3: Developing Your Coaching Offerings

Digital Presence: Creating Your Online Home

Module 4: Website Essentials: Design and Functionality
Module 5: Crafting a High-Converting Landing Page
Module 6: Setting Up Your e-mails marketing system

Client Attraction: Building Your Sales Funnel

Module 7: Understanding Sales Funnels: The Basics
Module 8: Designing Your Sales Funnel: From Lead Magnet to Conversion
Module 9: Automating Client Acquisition: Tools and Tactics

Visibility & Growth: Marketing Your Coaching Business

Module 10: Social Media Strategy for Coaches
Module 11: Email Marketing 101: Building and Nurturing Your List
Module 12: Content Marketing: Blogging, Videos, and More

Implementation & Support: Putting It All Together

Module 13: Launching Your Coaching Business
Module 14: Ongoing Support and Q&A in membership site
Module 15: Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments
Module 16: How to pitch and close sale.

Module 13: Launching Your Coaching Business
Module 14: Ongoing Support and Q&A in membership site
Module 15: Tracking Progress and Making Adjustments
Module 16: How to pitch and close sale.


  • Customized Website: A professionally designed website that reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience.

  • Sales Funnel Setup: An automated system that guides potential clients through your funnel, converting them into paying clients.

  • Marketing Strategy: A clear, actionable plan to grow your online presence and attract your ideal clients.

  • Ongoing Support: Access to a community of like-minded coaches and ongoing support to ensure your success after the program.